Board Games

TripleA Maps
TripleA is a free (under GPL) turn based strategy game founded on Axis & Allies board game. An extensive diversity of map situations have been industrialized for Triple (World War II, Punic Wars, Napoleonic wars, etc.) with a diversity of rubrics, components and numerous choices (such as "low luck" which reduces the number of cube rolled making game be contingent more on plan).

TripleA is programmed in Java and can run on personal computers with Java SE installed.
For live multiplayer games, the public maintains two lobbies for the greatest current Steady and Unbalanced forms. It is easy to find adversaries online due to the admiration of the game: 10.000 download every month. TripleA also topographies a Play by Email mode and numerous AIs. For solitary player style. You can free download below…………………………


The VASSAL Engine is a game engine for structure and playing online versions of board sports, tabletop sports and card sports. 

It lets users to play in actual time over a live Internet connection, and too by email (PbeM). It innings on all stages, and is free, open-source software. For instance, here is a Star Wars Miniatures unit, anywhere players can play with up to three others in a numerical copy of the table-top game. You can free download below…………………………
